Just for today I will live in the attitude of gratitude, is the first Reiki principle , which means to accept any situation, whether good or challenging one in a neutral mindset.

When we are grateful we are blissful and free, when we are ungrateful we are stressed out. Gratitude is equal to faith, when we have faith in us and god, we are serene in whatever situation. Gratitude needs to be cultivated, we need to practice it, in challenging issues in life and test our faith.

When we are grateful, we don’t get worried about issues in our respective lives, we don’t get angry for pity things, we have integrity and we respect ourselves and everything deeply. When we are grateful we accept challenging situation as opportunities for growth, we accept critics, we accept changes, we go with the flow, life becomes effortless.

Gratitude is link to abundance, the more grateful we are, the higher our energy level is, leading to a more prosperous life.

Attitude of gratitude : How Jean Michel applied the law of gratitude in his own life to achieve success

Behind every challenge there is opportunity for growth. Be grateful for the challenge. Have faith in God. In 2008 I was working in the textile industry as a trainer in one department called the carding department. I myself and another colleague were supposed to get a promotion, in another department where we will get a salary raise and a car allowance, but our boss, refused to release us and above all he said he will not give us anything.

I accepted this situation and thought that whenever I will get another opportunity I will resign. The next week I meet a good friend of mine and he told me that his company was looking for a yoga teacher and if I was interested in the job offer.  I said, “Yes of course.”

He talked his boss and reverted back to me the next day. He arranged a meeting with the managers of the company. I met the Health & Fitness manager of the company and agreed on the terms and conditions. The final assessment was to perform in front of the General Manager of the resort and if he agrees I will get the job.

The Health & Fitness manager arranged a yoga session with the Heads of Departments and I had to guide them to a beginner yoga session. It was a very good session and the General Manager agreed to hire me.

I resigned, and I only received my monthly salary and no other form of compensation for my 25 years of service in this company.

I do not regret having taken this decision in May 2008.

On November 2008, I started to work at Four Seasons till now and I never had any problem with anyone.

I am always grateful to my boss that he refused to give me this promotion because I would not have left my previous job if i did not have this challenge. Everything happens for a reason. We don’t see it in the moment but you will always have new opportunities but the choice is yours to take the right decision at the right time.


Thank you.

Jean Michel